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The PV Summit

- centers on spiritual growth and formation for followers seeking to deepen their relationship with God and the community.
- provides opportunities to deepen faith through worship, messages, and group sharing.  
- aspires to equip followers as they embrace the call to be salt and light sent out to a broken world.

We are excited to share the theme for PV SUMMIT 2025 — HEAVEN BOUND.

Take a glimpse of topics we will be covering during our time together:  

Session 1: The Way to Heaven
Why is Jesus the only way to heaven? This session will help us understand deeply how Christ's death & resurrection qualifies us to enter and live in heaven for all eternity.

Session 2: The Truth About Heaven
What lies beyond? Explore the profound truths about heaven and gain a Biblical perspective on what awaits us after this life compared to other worldviews.

Session 3: The Rewards of Heaven
Will the quality of our service to God here on Earth impact our experience in eternity? Learn about how the person we are today will determine the rewards we will receive tomorrow.

Session 4: Bringing People to Heaven
Why is it important to be missional and share the Gospel to others? Learn how we can effectively guide others to have a personal relationship with God.

Session 5: Preparing For Heaven
What does it mean to be heaven-bound? The final session of Summit reveals how we can prepare for eternity by setting our hearts on things above and living set-apart lives for the Kingdom.

"Let's make it an annual date with God."
- Pastor Gina Atencio

Summit 2025 Registration | LA & East Coast

(Wednesday Evening - Saturday Morning)

We are excited to journey with you in this year's annual PV Summit: Heaven Bound

This form is for PV Los Angeles ONSITE registration. For Bay Area and PV Locations outside of USA, please connect with your local church for registration.

REGISTRATION FEE for Pinnacle Village LA
Regular Rate: $190  (March 6 - April 16)
Late Fee: $210 (April 17 to 26)

Last day to register and pay without late fee is on April 16.

Pinnacle Village Los Angeles
5027 New York Ave. Glendale, CA 91214

For any questions or concerns, contact us via email:

Additional Details:

For PV Locations outside of USA, please connect with your local church for registration.

PV Summit Payment

REGISTRATION FEE for ONSITE at Pinnacle Village LA
Regular Rate: $190  (March 6 - April 16)
Late Fee: $210 (April 17 to 26)

Payments made through Zelle, credit card, or with your local representative are accepted for this event.

Zelle Payment Details:
Include Memo: "For Summit First and Last Name"

Your registration will be complete upon receipt of your PV Summit payment to the Zelle email provided.

Credit Card Payment Details:

A processing fee will be added for credit card payments. Click the PV Summit Payment button below:

Summit Schedule

This schedule is based on 2024 Way of Grace Summit.
Schedules are subject to change as event nears.


7:00 pm | Registration
7:30 pm | Dinner Fellowship


9:00 am | Registration, Breakfast
10:00 am | Session 1
12:30 pm | Lunch
1:15 pm | Group Discussion
2:15 pm | Break
2:30 pm | Divided Sessions with Q&A
4:30 pm | Session 2
6:30 pm | Dinner
7:30 pm | End

FRIDAY (4/25)

9:00 am | Breakfast
10:00 am | Session 3
12:30 pm | Lunch
1:15 pm | Group Discussion
2:15 pm | Break
2:30 pm | Divided Sessions with Q&A
4:30 pm | Session 4
6:30 pm | Dinner
7:30 pm | End


9:00 am | Breakfast
10:00 am | Session 5
12:30 pm | Lunch


Need accommodations?
Let us know at registration.


Who is this conference for?
SUMMIT is designed for people who are looking to grow in their relationship with God.
Can I register for just one day of SUMMIT?
Unfortunately not at this time. We feel it's important to experience the summit as a whole.
Will childcare be provided?
Child care will be available at summit for an additional fee. Infants traveling with a parent are more than welcome. However, we do ask that you move to the children's room if they become a distraction to those around you.
Are there family or student discounts available?
We have made significant efforts to reduce our fees; currently, we do not offer family or student discounts. We encourage you to contact your local church leaders and huddle guides, as they may have assistance available.
Additional questions?

Contact us here: